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pyOpt (PYthon OPTimization Framework) is a Python-based package for nonlinear optimization.

Who uses pyOpt?

The potential audience for pyOpt includes engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists.

Current users of pyOpt include:

Free software

pyOpt is an open-source software distributed under the terms of the Lesser GPL License.

We welcome contributions from the community; information on how to contribute can be found on the pyOpt Developer Zone.

Issues can be reported on the pyOpt tracker:


pyOpt was inspired by a python wrapper script for the Sparse NOnlinear OPTimizer (SNOPT) created by Professor Joaquim Martins in 2000. The project started in 2008 as an after-hours project by the main developers while they were at the University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies MDOLab directed by Professor Martins, which is acknowledged for his support during the genesis of the framework development as well as his subsequent encouragement and ideas. During 2009, the developers continue active development of the framework at the Royal Military College of Canada, Aircraft Design Lab, with contributions and feedback from student at the MDOLab. The first private alpha version of the framework was released in mid 2009. The framework scope, it functionality, and the number of available optimizers was further extended leading to the first private beta release in early 2010. Version 1.0 released publicly in February 2011.